Start the day with yogurt

Stgortol’s photo in Pixabay.      The healthiest base for making yogurt is vegetable milk such as rice, almond or hazelnut.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day and the most important to replenish energy after a night’s sleep and fasting. A necessity that is satisfied by many through the consumption of yogurts, but be careful, there are many types of yogurts.
The most appropriate option for a Nutrition of Light, according to the Aquarius Zodiacal Age, is the one that contains organic, biological and fresh products. Yes, supermarkets and hypermarkets do not offer these yogurts, so the option is to make them at home. It’s easier and cheaper than you think.
As with milkshakes, the healthiest base for making yogurt is vegetable milk – such as coconut, almond, cashew, hazelnut, sunflower or rice – so you can then add your favorite jam, fruit or seed that you want to consume at the moment.
So here are 3 examples of how to make yogurt at home.

Coconut milk yogurt

Kamila211’s photo in Pixabay.      Make your yogurt at home and enjoy it with pieces of strawberry or other fruit you desire the most at the moment.


  • 1/2 liter of coconut milk
  • 100 ml of kefir
  • 1 tablespoon of agar-agar dissolved in water
  • 1 dessert spoon of brown sugar or cane sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 pinch of vanilla

In a pan with warm water, dissolve the agar-agar and then let it cool for a few minutes. Meanwhile, beat the coconut milk, kefir, brown sugar, lemon juice, and a pinch of vanilla in the blender. Then just add the agar-agar at room temperature and transfer everything to the glass jars and cover them properly. All bottles must be wrapped in a cloth and put in a cool place without catching any light. The fermentation phase should be done between 4 to 6 hours, and before serving put them for some time in the refrigerator.

Almond yogurt

MandarinMD’s photo, by Andrey Cojocaru, in Pixabay.     Let the yogurts ferment for 8 hours in a very cool, dark place before consuming them.


  • 2 teacup of sprouted almonds without skin
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sprouted flaxseed or 1 cup of flaxseed gel

Start by putting the two cups of almonds in the blender with water and beat until you get a very fine and consistent paste. Then put the almond cream into a bowl and begin to prepare the flaxseed. Blend the sprouted flaxseed with a cup of water and after having all strained, add it to the cream of almonds. If using flaxseed gel, simply strain it before adding the almond cream. Mix the flaxseed with the creamed almonds and fill the small pre-prepared jars to make the yogurts. Then leave the jars to ferment for 8 hours in a very cool, dark place. Alternatively, you can use the fridge, but then the fermentation will be for 24 hours. Consumption can be done simply or you can add raw (or dried) chopped fruit depending to each person’s taste.

Flax yogurt with fig, honey, and cocoa

Lpegasu’s photo, in Pixabay.       Dried fruits can also be added to the yogurt to give an added taste to each consumer’s taste.


  • 2 tablespoons sprouted flaxseed
  • 2 dried figs finely chopped
  • 1 dessert spoon of cacao nuggets
  • Brown sugar or honey
  • 1/2 cup of kefir 

Flax and kefir must be hydrated for at least two hours. Then just add the flaxseed and kefir with a little water in the blender and the gel that results must be strained. To the flaxseed and kefir gel add the figs, brown sugar, and a few cacao nuggets. Mix everything in the blender and distribute it in the respective yogurt cups to start the fermentation phase, which can be in the refrigerator for 12 hours.


Reinforce your awareness about recipes at: from Conceição Trucom,  from Elias Pereira,   from Rita Zumberlan
Book “As Receitas da Cura Alcalina” from Stephan Domening and Heinz Earlacher,
Book “As Delícias de Ella Todos os Dias” from Ella Woodward

Feel more about nutrition in:

Vegetable milkshakes

Juices to revitalize the body

100% Raw soups

Seasonal flavored salads

Raw and lively desserts

Main dishes to surprise at home

Sprouts and microgreens are live foods

Nutrition of Light

How the elements of nature interact

Three Philosophical Principles of Life
