Balancing and keeping the immune system high is essential in preventing bacteria, viruses and fungi, among others, from spreading and causing imbalances, causing the so-called diseases, in addition to speeding up recovery after surgery. The application of 100% pure organic essential oils contributes to this objective, through aromatherapy, which acts in addition to the diet – it must be balanced and varied – and the essential physical exercise.
The aromatherapy of essential oils such as Cinnamon, Camphorwood, Clove, Lemon, Laurel, Oregano, Scots Pine, Mountain Savory, Tea Tree or Thyme Thymol, stimulate the immune system and simultaneously provide beneficial properties for the whole organism such as, for example, their anti-bacterial, antiviral or anti-infectious actions, among others.
Inhalation is the fastest and most efficient way to be absorbed into the body, thus providing the immune system with a reinforcement of information that aids in the prevention and healing of imbalances in the Body, Soul and Spirit.
In this context, you can use a diffuser for spaces such as an office, living room or bedroom, but if you go for something more personalized then choose for an inhaler or a portable diffuser.
Essential oils can also be used in massage (here the essential oil must be mixed with a vegetable oil so that the skin absorbs all the properties and active ingredients of the essential oil) or in a relaxing bath. In this case, for an adult, it is necessary to mix up to 10 drops of essential oil, or a mixture of several oils, in the bathwater. Alternatively, you can also use bath salts, which are made from 100% pure and natural organic essential oils.
The advantage of using certified organic essential oils is to prevent pesticides and other chemicals from entering the body that can intoxicate and cause certain imbalances and trigger diseases. Also, if it is 100% pure essential oils, two or three drops will be enough to take advantage of the properties and active ingredients offered by the plant.
Discover ten essential oils beneficial to the immune system:
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylacinum) – not to be confused with Cassia – is a tree 15 to 20 meters tall, native to Sri Lanka and northern India. The cinnamon stems are cut, peeled, dried and then rolled to form the famous cinnamon stick. It is both a spice and a natural remedy, with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antioxidant, anticancer, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, anesthetic, astringent, aphrodisiac, aromatic, carminative, digestive, immune stimulant, hypertensive properties (although light), sedative and tonic. These are beneficial for the digestive system, against flu, low blood pressure, cough, rheumatism, ulcers, while on an emotional level it balances the nervous system, helps to save the joviality of rigid people, cold and hard to reach or helps overcome isolation situations. Cinnamon has a warm, spicy and slightly spicy aroma with a characteristic woody note.
Camphorwood (Cinnamomum camphora) is originally an Asian tree imported to Madagascar in the 19th century, where it developed specific properties and is therefore also known as the camphor tree. Camphorwood oil is distilled from the leaves and branches of the tree and contains antiviral, antiseptic, analgesic, immune-boosting, expectorant and tonic properties. Properties that help dispel flu, constipation, bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, chickenpox and physical and mental fatigue, rheumatism and cough. Emotionally, camphorwood promotes attention, concentration, anxiety, eliminates mental fatigue and helps with hyperactivity and emotional impairment. Camphorwood has a floral and woody scent, with subtle sweet notes and a hint of citrus reminiscent of eucalyptus.
Clove (Eugenia Caryophyllus) is a spice obtained from the flower buds of its tree native to the Moluccas Islands. The oil, on the other hand, is obtained by distilling the leaves of cloves, which offer properties in which immune, antibacterial, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic stimulation stand out. Benefits that accelerate the metabolism, dispel situations of bronchitis, coughs, infections, cholesterol, toothaches, yeast infections, warts, acne, among others. On the emotional level, it is an energetic harmonizer of the vibratory vortices captured by the chakras, in addition to being an aphrodisiac, mental, memory and positive mood stimulant (helps in depressive states and promotes anchoring and the incarnation). Clove has a strong woody aroma, refreshing, exotic and exciting.
Lemon (Citrus limon) is the fruit of the lemon tree, a small tree less than 5 meters tall, native to China. The power of lemon has long been discovered. In ancient Egypt, lemon was used to neutralize poisoned foods and help people with typhoid fever, while in Europe citrus fruits were widely used as a natural antibiotic to prevent malaria, plague, scurvy or as an antidote to snakebites. Currently, lemon is widely used to stimulate the natural defenses, as a general depurative, draining the liver, to fight against obesity, cellulite or hypertension and even used as a disinfectant in diffusion. Lemon offers properties such as antiseptic, immune stimulant, digestive tonic, antibacterial, antiviral, carminative, astringent and antioxidant. Emotionally, lemon activates the mind to ward off negative thoughts, fights drowsiness, listlessness, discouragement, and promotes focus and clarity of decision. To get 1 kg of lemon essential oil, you need about three thousand lemons or about 60 to 70 kg. The lemon aroma is fresh, light and stimulating.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis) is a tree native to Asia Minor and is characterized by its strong presence, it can reach 10 meters in height, and from its crown stand out dark green leaves in the shape of a lance, smooth, hard and aromatic, but bitter in taste. Laurel has been used since immemorial times and has acquired the status of a symbol of victory and immortality. Not all chefs give up laurel in their daily life, being the most effective use when the leaves are dry, but know that you cannot eat laurel leaves. Its main properties are: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antirheumatic, diuretic, digestive, hepatic, expectorant and immune stimulant, among others, which reduce diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, bronchitis, sinusitis, influenza, colitis, dyspepsia, gas, arthritis, rheumatism and skin imbalances such as acne… On an emotional level, laurel is exciting, helps the development of self-confidence and self-love, stimulates intuitive abilities and promotes focus, self-expression and creativity. Laurel essential oil is extracted by distillation of the branches and leaves and has a camphoric aroma with balsamic, active and penetrating notes.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Lamiaceae family, also known as wild marjoram or perennial marjoram. Oregano is sometimes confused with marjoram (Origanum majorana) with which it shares several characteristics, namely its medicinal and aromatic properties. It is a plant very appreciated in Mediterranean countries, it has small green, oval and pointed leaves that present a strong and personalized aroma with a bitter taste. Oregano contains properties such as: antioxidant, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, immune stimulant. As a natural antibiotic, oregano is effective in the treatment of gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, gingivitis, cavities, tonsillitis or to treat acne, yeast infections and frostbite. On an emotional level, oregano helps to overcome situations of depression and acts as a mental and physical invigorator, clarifying ideas for the implementation of projects.
Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) is a tree cultivated in the plains, but grows spontaneously in the mountains. Resistant to heat, drought, cold, it simply does not withstand the deprivation of light, Scots pine is considered the most valuable of the pines thanks to the raw material it offers to society: wood, tar and many other ingredients for health and cosmetics. The essential oil, obtained by distillation of the needles and buttons, gives off a warm, rough, woody aroma and mainly contains monoterpenes and esters, responsible for its properties. It is an antiseptic, immune, nervous and hormonal stimulator, which helps in the event of respiratory imbalances such as sinusitis, laryngitis, flu, asthma and allows energy cleansing, reduces fatigue and hypotension. On an emotional level, Scots pine allows the release of obsessive feelings, self-punishment, victimization and nervous exhaustion, building courage and the will to act.
Mountain Savory (Satureja montana) is an aromatic, melliferous sub-shrub, native to the shores of the Black Sea and southern Europe, which was introduced to central Europe around the 9th century. This plant has a spicy and peppery taste, and its properties stand out as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, immune stimulant and tonic. These are beneficial properties for treating intestinal, genitourinary, pulmonary infections and nervous and physical fatigue… Emotionally, it is a great help for people who are shy, frigid and who feel insecure or guilty.
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) which has nothing to do with tea. It is a thorny shrub with yellow, purple or white flowers that grows wild in swampy areas of Australia and New Zealand. It was an Englishman, James Cook, who called this plant “the tea tree” because he used it to replace his tea. The aborigines chewed the leaves, made herbal teas and poultices. Tea Tree has properties such as antivirals, antibacterials, antifungals, antiseptics, antiparasitics, immune stimulants, among others, which help to overcome infections of the mouth, respiratory, intestines, genital, urinary tract, dermatology, ringworms, warts, acne. Emotionally, it acts as an energizer and cleanser, which enhances intuition, focus, and clarity of thoughts.
Thyme Thymol (Thymus vulgaris Thymol) is a sub-shrub of Mediterranean limestone soils. Its virtues are mainly linked to the presence of phenols (thymol and carvacrol) and monoterpenes (geraniol, linalool, terpineol, thujanol) whose concentrations vary according to their biotopes and the harvest period determine six different chemotypes. The distillation is done in spring, in full bloom from April to May, of the wild or cultivated plant. As properties stand out: antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, immune stimulant, digestive and tonic, which are beneficial for respiratory infections (cough or sore throat), facilitate digestion, relieve fatigue and depression. On an emotional level, it helps to dispel weakness, lack of courage or anxiety, paving the way for the awakening of the latent inner war to overcome certain fears and insecurities.
Learn more about essential oils at:
Relieve Anxiety and Stress with Five Pure and Organic Essential Oils
Discover six essential oils to bring more energy to your day
Essential Oils and Hydrosols are the secrets of aromatherapy