The one who has never caught lice or had someone in the family who has never had one is not a being of this Planet. Having lice is not a shame, because this parasite does not choose the type of hair, whether short or long, smooth, wavy or curly. Poor hygiene does not attract lice either, but instead, they even prefer a clean, dry, non-greasy environment. In no way, it’s linked to social status, because it attacks everyone in the same way, regardless of their financial situation. Age is also not important, although it is less common in adults, physical contact is also less, it is usually children who pass them to their parents.
Pediculosis, so-called by specialists, is usually caught by direct contact between the heads, especially at school age, or by contaminated personal effects such as hats, combs or other hair accessories.
However, many people develop this type of parasites on the head, armpits or groin. This is due to a diet rich in poultry and mammals that contain many of these parasites, mainly because of the composition of the food and the growth stimulants they consume. This energy imbalance the pH of the blood, making it more acidic, which facilitates the spread of certain diseases or parasites. In the case of children, the incidence is higher because they are more sensitive and neutral, and therefore more likely to capture this type of energy, and the highest incidence occurs between 7 and 14 years of age.
Lice essentially make the scalp their main home, they feed on human blood and reproduce through eggs, the so-called Nits. It only takes a week to begin to multiply and start being a real infestation that spreads easily to those around you and can last for months if not taken in time. It is in the New Moon, on the way to the Full Moon, that lice develop and spread most often.
The first signs
The most common symptom is itching. An impression that is caused by the movement of lice on the head, the eczema that they cause with the bites of the scalp that cause small crusts. The size of the louse, which looks like small flaxseed, has six legs and measures from 4 to 8 millimeters can survive up to 30 days in the scalp. There are about 5000 species of lice in the world and females lay eight to ten eggs a day, the so-called nits. These small white dots attach to locks of hair near the scalp, especially around the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Nits take about eight days to hatch, then spread by direct contact. Yes, lice do not fly and bounce, apart from the hair only survive one to two days because they need a constant diet, which is usually done by our blood.
How to treat?
Lice mainly affect children. The most recommended treatment is therefore non-toxic natural products. Note that it is sometimes necessary to repeat the cleaning operation after eight days to completely eliminate the pests. In this context, there are many choices because there are more and more resistant species. Here are some examples of everyday use:
Camphor Alcohol
This solution should not be used if the scalp has minor lesions due to lice, as alcohol can cause burns. Otherwise, if you flood your hair and scalp with camphor alcohol and leave it inside a cap, lice and nits will die. Then, to be effective, comb your hair to make sure there are no eggs or lice.
Cider Vinegar
Add a glass of apple cider vinegar to half a liter of water and wet the scalp very well. Then put a plastic cap on your head for half an hour so that nits and lice die. Use a fine comb to clean the hair of the parasites and then wash them normally with shampoo.
Nettle Tea
The little-appreciated nettle has long been used as a natural repellent for lice. A power that can also be used in humans through nettle tea. For this, put 10 grams of dehydrated nettle in one liter of water and, after cooling and filtered, it is ready to be applied to the scalp. Leave to act in a cup for half an hour then use a very fine comb to eliminate all parasites. Finish by carefully washing your head with the usual shampoo.
Horehound Tea
Resembling slightly to mint, horehound is an ally to fight against lice and nits. Put a dessert spoon in a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes or take a handful of leaves and make a paste to cover the entire scalp. Whichever option you choose, you should cover your head immediately with a towel or cap and wait for half an hour for its effect. Then remove the parasites and their eggs with a very fine comb and finish with a good head wash with the traditional shampoo.
Common Rue Tea
Put 40 grams of Common Rue leaves in one liter of boiling water and let infuse for about 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering, moisten one cotton or gauze and apply directly to the scalp. When your hair is very wet, wrap a towel around your hair (or wear a cap) for half an hour so that Common Rue Tea is effective. Then you should wash your hair with your shampoo and finish with the conditioner, but before rinsing, take a very fine comb to remove dead lice and nits on each lock of hair. The Common Rue eliminates lice and soothes the itching caused by parasites on the scalp.
Ginger Tea
The fire energy contained in the ginger root activates and destroys parasites such as lice and nits. Grate or cut five or six pieces of ginger root and add them to a quart of boiling water. After filtering and cooling, wet the head very well and wrap the hair in a cap. Half an hour later, clean the hair of lice and nits and wash your head well with your shampoo.
Rosemary Tea
It is a plant that cleans, strengthens and stimulates the growth of your hair while fighting against lice and nits. Add a handful of dried rosemary leaves to one liter of boiling water and, after cooling and filtering, apply to all hair and scalp. This infusion helps to eliminate lice. In this case, you must also use a fine comb to effectively remove lice and nits before washing your hair.
Olive Oil
The fat and the characteristics of olive oil when used extensively on the scalp and for at least half an hour, asphyxiating lice and nits. This option has another advantage: the hydration of hair and scalp.
Lavender Oil
The intense scent of lavender and its properties are natural repellents against lice and nits. Flood your head with lavender oil and cover immediately with a cap for half an hour. Then remove the parasites and their eggs with a fine comb, then wash your hair normally.
Eucalyptus Oil
Even the most resistant lice do not generally resist eucalyptus oil. Its intense odor and its antiseptic and astringent wounds, in addition to eliminating lice and nits, also soothes scalp irritations.
Disinfect the comb and clothes
Hairbrushes and combs should be immediately disinfected with alcohol or boiling water and placed in the freezer for a while to eliminate all parasites. A cleaning operation should also be extended to the clothes that the person has worn in recent days, as well as all bedding, stuffed toys, bath towels, washcloths, etc. Wash at high temperature, at least 60 ° C, to eliminate lice and nits once and for all.