Soup is an integral part of any main meal, lunch or dinner, and also a way to nourish the youngest with vegetables. The flavors vary with the gastronomic culture of each region or country and also with the personal taste of each one.
However, a Nutrition of Light requires that the soup as to be as natural as possible, with organic, biological ingredients, and the freshest you can find.
The cost of a soup is usually low and its preparation can still be much faster and healthier if you do not use the stove.
Make a 100% raw soup throughout a blender. In a few minutes, you have a soup prepared to serve, keeping all the nutrients of the selected products.
Here are three examples of totally raw soups to try, and have more alternatives to your daily routine life.

- 1 red pepper
- 1 red onion
- 1 garlic clove
- 4 ripe tomatoes
- 2 cucumbers
- Oregano
- Basil
- Salt, olive oil and vinegar
Remove the skin of each tomato and pass them through the vegetable mill (equipment to make the mash). All the other ingredients are then beaten in a blender until a very homogeneous broth is obtained. Add oregano, the tomato sauce that you’ve made, and fresh water. Refine the seasoning and bring it to the cold to serve very fresh. When serving the gazpacho, put in the dish a scoop of granita lemon and a thinly chopped cucumber, tomato, and pepper. Enjoy your meal.
Butternut squash soup

- 1 Butternut squash
- 1 coriander sauce
- 1/2 lemon
- 1 carrot
- 1 slice of ginger
- 1 slice of fresh curcuma or one teaspoon of curcuma powder
- 1 teaspoon of cumin
- Olive oil, pepper, and salt
- 1 onion and aromatic herbs
- Coconut milk
In the blender, add the curcuma, 1/2 lemon juice, cumin, ginger, one carrot, pepper, salt, and olive oil, 2/3 of the butternut squash previously cut to cubes and mix everything very well. After obtaining a cream, add onion, herbs, and parsley finely chopped and the rest of the butternut squash grated very finely. Bring to heat to 42 ºC and serve with a strand of coconut milk.
Cucumber soup

- 2 cucumbers
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1/2 squeezed lemon
- 1/2 liter of vegetable broth or filtered water
- 1 full hand of mint and another one of coriander
- 100 ml almond yogurt
- 1o0 ml coconut milk
- Sea salt, black pepper, and olive oil
Begin by cutting the cucumbers with the skin lengthwise, remove the seeds and salt it with a bit of salt for 10 minutes. Prepare the blender and place the vegetable broth, the yogurt, the coconut milk, the cucumber pieces (after passing them in the water) and the mint. Grind everything slowly, and the already consistent soup must be seasoned with lemon juice, pepper, a pinch of sea salt if necessary, and a strand of olive oil. Once you have it all together again, take it to the refrigerator and spread some chopped coriander before serving.
Learn more about soups at:
https://www.docelimao.com.br/site/ from Conceição Trucom,
https://verdadeirodetox.com from Elias Pereira,
http://alimentovivo.org/curso-vem-pra-cruzinha/lista-de-espera/ from Rita Zumberlan
Book “As Receitas da Cura Alcalina” from Stephan Domening and Heinz Earlacher,
Book “As Delícias de Ella Todos os Dias” from Ella Woodward
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