Where’s the sugar?

Peggy CCI’s photo in Pixabay.     The industry has already been obliged in many European countries to reduce the amount of sugar in food and drink.  

Sugar’s consumption is today transversal to the whole of society because the dreaded white powder is hidden in the most varied food and drinks that seduce us every day. Breakfast cereals, bread, cakes, biscuits, fruit juices, soft drinks, desserts, chocolates, among others, make it almost impossible to stop the appetite and greed.

A worrying reality in terms of public health, coupled with the need for more money in the state’s coffers, led the Government, headed by António Costa, to create, as in other countries, a new tax, the “Fat Tax”. It focuses on products rich in salt, fats, and sugars, and appeared in February 2017.

It is a warning sign for consumers who now have to pay more for the same products and also for the industry that is forced to cut back on sugar if they want to maintain the sales level.

Fighting sugar is already a reality in other countries, for example in England, where major chocolate brands such as Mars, Nestlé or Cadbury have announced a reduction in the size of chocolates by 20% to meet the new rules against child obesity. According to the British newspaper The Independent, one in five English children is overweight even before entering primary school.

Sugar thus begins to achieve in the most developed countries the media status of a public enemy.

This text is an awareness. According to the season of the year and the moment in which you are, it is up to each one to feel if you should consume this food. The dosage and frequency depend on the nature and physical condition of each Human Being.

Feel more about Sugar in:

What is sugar?

How sugar makes life bitter

Am I addicted to sugar?

What types of sugar are there?

Reinforce your awareness in:

Sugar is bad. Sweetener is worse. What now?

The food that has the most sugar in the world
