Consume lemon to have a sweeter life

The precious yellow jewel is the fruit of the lemon tree, persistent leaf tree, of the Rutaceae family, which can reach six meters in height. It originates in Southeast Asia, but today it exists in almost the whole world. In any small … Read More

Avocado is the new “Green Gold”

The avocado tree is native to Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, and the West Indies), it belongs to the Lauraceae family, but today it can be found anywhere in the world. It is a plant whose flowers are hermaphrodites – it … Read More

Moringa is the tree of life that had Fidel Castro as a fan

The ‘tree of life’ originated in Asia and Africa, but quickly spread throughout the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical countries, thanks to its powerful food and medicinal nutrients. The ancient Hindu writings already made references to Moringa, also the … Read More

Avocado consumption helps to balance the human body

The avocado tree is an imposing tree, it can reach 20 meters in height and its trunk is embraced by brownish branches, covered by aromatic leaves of a dark green tone that offer, once a year, a real gem called … Read More
