Energetic Stability Pendant


Crop Circle Essence (nº 214) and Ocean Essence (nº 15) Pendant.

This combination of essences offers us better energy protection, activates our self-healing powers and promotes our energy balance and inner peace.

Not recommended for children under 5 years old.

Vegan product

1 in stock

SKU: PEPHIPED070 Categories: ,


Each essence contains a form and a uniquely energetic and vibrational structure that depends on the plant, mineral, metal, terrestrial or marine animal, planet, pleiad, or even the crop circle with which it is made. It is this energetic, vibratory, and affirmative catalyst that helps to overcome, unblock or eliminate certain imbalances present in our daily lives and in our development.

These essences have been developed through PHI by a team led by German biologist and researcher Andreas Korte since 1989 and their proven results are now valued and used in many countries, although PHI does not claim any therapeutic rights for its products.

Vegan product

Note: All statements should be understood in a purely energetic way. PHI® essences are not drugs or medicines and cannot replace them. If you are ill, follow safety guidelines and consult a healthcare professional.

Additional information

Weight 25 g

– Not recommended for children under 5 years;


