Nourishing our body with an awareness of the Aquarius Zodiac Age can be made through juices, milkshakes, yogurts, soups, salads, main dishes or desserts, but always with organic ingredients, as biological as possible and fresh, as they are the ones that have the energy of the three elements of life. Genetically engineered or fertilizer-based or laboratory-manufactured products must be left outside.
Esfera Dourada gives you some examples of green juices that should be, preferentially, ingested in the morning so that there is a greater Nutrition of Light.
The juices must be prepared in a blender (without using water), in a centrifuge or in a slow juicer. This last option is the best to make these types of juices because the grinding of the ingredients is done at low spin. This means that the fibers of the ingredients are not cut, which ensures more enzymes and nutrients, also producing a higher amount of juice that stays for much longer without losing quality.
Green juice based on watermelon

- 1 hand full of watercress
- 1 sprig of basil
- 1 bouquet of coriander
- Leaves of a cauliflower
- 1 hand full of broccoli, including its leaves
- 1 hand full of sprouts or shoots of a species of your choice, for example, peas, beans, corn, sunflower…
- 1 large slice of watermelon, including bark and seeds, will be the main base of the juice
Put all the ingredients in the slow juicer. If you do not have this equipment, there is no problem as you can use the traditional blender.
Be careful, there is an order to follow: give preference to the ingredients with the amount of water present in them. For example, if you use the slow juicer you must start with a little watermelon and then place the leaves of the remaining ingredients and interleaved them with pieces of watermelon to facilitate the processing of the more fibrous parts. If you use the blender, you can put all the ingredients together and then do the processing.
Then it is only to pass the pulp obtained in a dowel, or strainer so that the juice can be separated from the fibers generated by the processing. And there is your green nectar.
Green juice based on coconut water

- 1 hand full of spontaneous herbs, such as capuchin, clover, buckwheat, eastern pellitory of the wall or sorrel, among many others available near your house
- 3 leaves of lettuce
- 1 leaf of green cabbage of any quality
- 1 large cucumber
- 1 small root of fresh curcuma (if you are not accustomed to it put just a little) or if you prefer to, use ginger
- 2 sprigs of parsley
- 1/2 liter of coconut water
The processing mode is the same as the watermelon juice. Process all the ingredients in the slow juicer or if you want in a blender.
If the option is the slow juicer, first put the leaves of the ingredients with more water, and if you need to, add coconut water to help the processing of the more fibrous parts.
In the blender, put all the ingredients, including coconut water and then process everything.
Then just strain the pulp obtained through a strainer, so that the juice can be separated from the fibers generated by the processing, and enjoy the green juice with the coconut.
Special liver detox

- 1 handful of cress leaves, arugula or 4 leaves of green cabbage or dandelion
- 1 large carrot or 2 mediums or alternatively 1 small beet
- 1 large lemon juice
- 1 small slice of ginger root
- 1 small root of fresh curcuma (if you are not accustomed to it put just a little)
- 1 handful of sprouted wheat or alternatively use parsley.
- 6 celery stalks
- 1 large cucumber or 2 small cucumbers
- 1 small apple (optional)
The processing mode is identical to the previous juices. Process all the ingredients in the slow juicer or in a blender.
If using slow juicer start by putting the leaves of the ingredients with more water and go alternating with carrots, cucumbers or apples that have more water and help to process the more fibrous ingredients.
Put the ingredients in the blender and process everything.
Then just strain the pulp obtained by a strainer so that the juice can be separated from the fibers generated by the processing, and drink the juice that will help clean the liver of the toxins you eat daily.
Reinforce your awareness about recipes at:
https://www.docelimao.com.br/site/ from Conceição Trucom,
https://verdadeirodetox.com from Elias Pereira,
http://alimentovivo.org/curso-vem-pra-cruzinha/lista-de-espera/ from Rita Zumberlan
Book “As Receitas da Cura Alcalina” from Stephan Domening and Heinz Earlacher,
Book “As Delícias de Ella Todos os Dias” from Ella Woodward
Feel more about nutrition in:
Main dishes to surprise at home
Sprouts and microgreens are live foods
How the elements of nature interact.
Three Philosophical Principles of Life