Corn (Zea mays)
Native from Mexico, the corn grows on ears protected by silk which forms a husk surrounding the whole ear. Yellow, red, green, or any other color, it is the most popular grain in the world and also the most produced. However, a large part of corn production, around 70%, is due to the genetic mutation introduced since the middle of the last century and whose real impact on humans and the environment is not yet fully known.
Corn is one of the most nutritious foods that exist – rich in protein and carbohydrates – and its properties include anti-cancer, antioxidants, or diuretics… For 100 grams of corn, it is possible to find 224 kcal (energy), 8.3 g of protein, 0.9 g of fat, 79 g of fiber, minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, or zinc plus a high dose of vitamins, especially from the group B.
- Alzheimer,
- cholesterol,
- colitis,
- diabetes,
- epilepsy,
- high blood pressure,
- osteoporosis,
- skin,
- constipation,
- cardiovascular system,
- digestive system,
- immune system…
How to consume:
Corn can be eaten in grains, ears, flour, or oil, and thousands of food products can be made. Boiled, roasted, or fried, corn is a cereal essential to our diet. Who has never eaten baked corn, popcorn, side dishes or salads, or breakfast cereals? But it is not only in human food that corn takes precedence, but it is also essential for the production of animal feed, to make syrups or alcohol.
In the consumption of non-genetically modified and 100% organic corn, contraindications are rare, but there may be people who have possible incompatibilities, total or momentary, generated by the ingestion of certain components of the corn.

This text is an awareness. Depending on the season and the moment in which you are, it is up to each Being to feel whether he should consume this food. The dosage and frequency depend on the nature and physical condition of each Human Being.