Coriander detoxifies the body from mercury, lead or aluminum

Nayuta’s photo on Pixabay.    There are those who confuse coriander with parsley, but coriander leaves are rounder, more pointed, and shiny, and their aroma is unique.

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)


Coriander belongs to the Apiaceae family and is a plant native to countries ranging from southern Europe, northern Africa to southwest Asia. Its consumption in cooking and for medicinal purposes has been recurrent for many centuries and is today an increasingly widespread practice in the world. Coriander is an aromatic of delicate, well-cut green leaves, which present a mild flavor with an incomparable and very striking fragrance. There are those who confuse coriander with parsley, but its leaves are more round, pointed and shiny, and its aroma is unique. These characteristics make Coriander adored by many and hated by so many others who cannot stand its scent.


Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, diuretic, stimulant, anxiolytic and relaxing… are some of the properties of Coriander which is rich in vitamins (A, C, B3, and E), in minerals (potassium, calcium, and phosphorus) and an excellent source of phytochemicals. Its benefits include detoxifying power from the heavy metals in our body, such as mercury, lead, or aluminum, and also helps to cleanse toxins found in the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract due to the high content of chlorophyll. This plant is also a cardiovascular protector, reducing cholesterol and diabetes as you can see below.


  • aphrodisiac,
  • alzheimer’s,
  • anemia,
  • soothing,
  • cholesterol,
  • colic,
  • diarrhea,
  • degenerative diseases,
  • migraines,
  • tired,
  • liver,
  • flatulence,
  • flu,
  • insomnia,
  • poor digestion,
  • memory,
  • skin,
  • weightloss,
  • muscle relaxant,
  • regulates the menstrual cycle,
  • water retention,
  • immune system…

How to consume:

Besides being fresh, coriander can be eaten dry, ground, or in oil. The fresh leaves and stems are used in cooking and should only be added at the end of the dish to reach their full potential. In Portugal or Brazil, coriander is delicious in açordas, soups, salads, in many other dishes or juices. Indian and Arabic cuisine also considers this essential aromatic.

In the coriander infusion, put 1.5 grams of dry seeds (half a teaspoon), or fresh leaves (six to eight), in a little cold water in a cup for a few minutes. Then simply add the water almost to a boil for 10 minutes to make the infusion.


Pregnant and breastfeeding women and all people suffering from gastritis, who suffer from hyperacidity after a heart attack, thrombosis, hypertension, or diabetes. In addition, excessive consumption of cilantro can cause seizures or even imbalances in the nervous system, liver, or kidneys.

Each body is different, therefore, you must be aware of the incompatibilities, total or momentary, generated by its ingestion.

This text is an awareness. Depending on the season and in which moment you are, it is up to each Being to feel whether he should consume this food. The dosage and frequency depend on the nature and physical condition of each Human Being.

Know more about aromatic plants:

Essential aromatic herbs in daily life

Eat aromatic herbs for your health

How to prepare a good infusion?

Which is the best Infusion for your moment?
